DIALux evo 10 – Initiation

Educational objectives :

  • Knowing how to size an energy-efficient lighting installation according to the photometric requirements and the technical characteristics of the devices used.
  • Understand photometric information. Knowing how to locate and choose the luminaires.
  • Creation of a 3D model of the illuminated room.
  • Calculate and edit simulation results on indoor and outdoor scenes and interface in BIM with IFC (v2x3).
Vue d'ensemble sur parking avec mobilier
Overall view of parking with furniture


14 hours spread over 2 days

Not eligible for CPF

Training content

  • Reminder on the basics of lighting design, corrected by the prior assessment MCQ (2h00)
  • First steps in DIALux evo, the start screen (15min)
  • Discovery of the workspace, tools and features (15min)
  • Creation of the interior and exterior lighting project (1h30) - Part 1
  • A - Creation of a project (import dwg / dxf / raster image)
  • B - Quick project creation with first import of luminaires
  • Creation of the interior and exterior lighting project (2h00) - Part 2
  • C - Application of textures and colors (use of existing textures and creation)
  • D - Selection and installation of luminaires according to photometric files (.ies, ldt, uld ...)
  • E - Calculation reports (publication and reading of results)
  • Additional features and answers to questions (30 min)
  • Project evaluation 2 - Part 1 (1h30)
  • Project evaluation 2 - Part 2
  • Lighting, daylight and FLJ scenes (1h30)
  • Calculation surfaces and UGR (30min)
  • Outdoor space lighting / editing and creation of furniture objects (1h30)
  • Interface with BIM (15min)
  • Review and evaluation (15min)


Day 1

Morning :
Reception of trainees, Presentation of training objectives, Reminder of basic concepts in lighting design. First steps in DIALux.

Afternoon :
Creation of a project to practice the use of different types of imports. Approach to the complementary functions of DIALux.

7 h 00

Day 2

Morning :
Continuation of practice through an indoor and outdoor lighting project. Development of lighting scenes and computing surfaces.

Afternoon :
Continuation and development of the lighting scenes project, interface with BIM, assessment and evaluation.

7 h 00

Each module will be followed by practical workshops on the supports provided in order to apply the subject addressed according to the trainee's situation

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Nos résultats 2021

Overall satisfaction
0 /10
attendance rate
0 %
questionnaires de satisfaction complétés

Monitoring of execution and evaluation of results

Technical and educational resources

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